MV Compact Switchboard (Ring Main Unit) up to 24 kV

MV Compact Switchboard (Ring Main Unit) up to 24 kV


Hi-reliable Gas Insulated ring main unit (RMU) for underground secondary distribution applications, up to 24 kV





Compact self-contained totally insulated switchgear

  • comprises 1 to 4 integrated, low dimension functional units
  • choice of transformer feeder protection: circuit breaker with self powered protection-unit or switch disconnector combination combined with fuses.


  • on site extensibility for network enhancement
  • electrical command for telecontrol
  • monitoring and alarms of events



RM6 is protecting people and goods all over the world with 1’000’000 installed functions in MV secondary underground distribution applications.

RM6 is a functional unit designed to meet the operating and enhancement requirements of power distribution networks. Safety of supply, continuity of service and insensitivity to the environment, RM6 is the choice for hi-reliability


Can be adapted to meet all medium voltage power distribution needs up to 24 kV

  • connection, supply and protection of transformers on an open ring or radial network
  • equipment of MV network points and enhancement of electrical power dependability